Friday, September 30, 2016


   Why is Each Situation Different?
With communication, each situation that you communicate to someone in will always be different.  This is due to the medium used to communicate, i.e. if you are using a phone to text, an in person, verbal conversation, or even if you are using an abnormal way of talking such as morse code or sign language.  Beside the medium, each conversation you have will be different because the topic will vary, the way you feel at the moment determines how reprehensible you are to other's ideas, the person you are communicating with may change, and the way other's feel changes how they communicate.  For example, if someone is in an angry mood, they typically aren't going to want to communicate for a long period of time and generally do not want their ideas questioned.  However, on the flip-side, someone who is nothing but happy, he will communicate with others for long periods of time, if need be and be open to topics and ideas.
   What are the expectations of each person?
The expectations of the receiving end of communication changes per person, and more broadly the type of person.  A friend would expect to communicate using a less formal tone and with open honesty about the topics.  A family member would expect to hear the truth of a situation but with a more formal tone, yet loving, tone.  A potential employer would expect a very formal tone that says only good things that would help their company.
   Points to consider when talking to your mentor
Points to consider when talking to your mentor would be to be calm, loud, and clear in your speech.  In actual conversation, you should speak formally and to-the-point to best not take up too much of your mentor's time.  Also, you should be cheerful and not too serious to the point where you ruin the atmosphere of the company.

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