Sunday, February 5, 2017

Annotated Bibliography, paragraoh

Chapman, Lindsey. "Happy Birthday, George Crockett Jr., Lawyer, Politician and Civil Rights Activist." FindingDulcinea. 29 Jan. 2017. Web. 29 Jan. 2017.

     This article is celebrating a famous, African-American lawyer, George Crockett.  The article goes into detail about Crockett's life; he went to the University of Michigan's law school, he founded the first interracial bar association in the U.S., he became the director of the Fair Employment Practices Department of the International United Auto Workers, and he was a judge in Detroit.  Crockett spent most of his career advocating civil rights.  He belonged the communist party, and he became a congressman for Michigan.  Crockett has been said to have “operated so far beyond the trenches that it was often decades before society caught up.”  Meaning he was a lawyer ahead of his time; someone to be admired and researched.  Crockett was dedicated, he "spent [his career] championing Civil Rights issues."  This shows that Crockett stood for something, and that something is what led him to go as far as he did.  Meaning, that one trait that helps someone in law go forward in the profession is having a passion.  
   This source is credible because the website was found from one of the given databases to search on.  It cites its sources and gives links to more information on individual parts used in the article.  The source was written somewhat, recently, in 2009.  The information used is well-documented.  
   This article will be used in my research in order to establish traits Crockett held that made him a good lawyer.  These traits will be compared to other lawyers.  For example, Crockett's goal was to increase civil rights; he had a passion.  Another lawyer may have sought after money; he would be greedy.  I would be able to compare which lawyer did better and after basing traits off of several lawyers be able to say which trait goes towards the best lawyer.  This source was very helpful, in that it showed me a famous attorney, whom I have not heard of previously. 

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